Yea, I think I’m pretty much tired of hip-hop. Nowadays originality is just same thing but in a different way. I remember way back when you didn’t do something original and copied someone else’s shit, you disappeared never to be seen again. Now that shit will get you a multi-million dollar contract. OK OK you’re from the hood; you shoot niggas; you fuck bitches; you drive fast cars with hot rims; WE FUCKIN GET IT! Do something else. I know that’s not all hip-hop got. Look at Lupe Fiasco, Eminem, and at times Pharell (very few times). Every album they release has about 5 songs that made me stop and go “WTF?”(in a good way) because I never heard anything like it. Besides those examples, I’m pretty sure there are some real MCs out there, but I don’t like swimming through the sea of bullshit to find them.
Apparently, if you’re gonna make a music video, you better follow the guidelines. 1) There should be at least 5 dudes behind you bobbing their heads at any given time. 2) Whenever head bobbing idiots are not around, they’re replaced by half-naked women with booties no smaller than a Toyota Prius. 3) Add liquor where applicable. 4) Only certain cars are acceptable: Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, Cadillac, Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Bentley. Add car(s) where appropriate. 5) Wear no less than $55,000 worth of jewelry. 6) Air Forces are a must. 7) When all else fails or unavailable, throw a party, preferable in a club (add liquor).
Yes this is about 98% of rap videos today. I bet everybody started out with cool and original ideas, but then it just boils down to this. Actually, I take that back. In order to have original ideas, you have to be creative, and judging from most of the lyrics that’s pretty much non-existent. Most of the time, the video has nothing to do with the artist. Yea, a video can have nothing to do with the song and still be entertaining (like Redman and early Busta Rhymes), but don’t shit out of character. Example: DMX’s video Party Up. Why the fuck is DMX breaking up a bank heist? He should be robbing the bitch. All that tough talk in the song and he’s saving the day. WTF? And to prevent the police from shooting, what does he do? He calls in bitches. Remember, every good video has to have bitches. And then sed bitches proceed to grind up and on cops and no one gives a shit. Greeeeeeat. God I hate that video. Matter of fact, I hate videos in general; they mostly just go through the same motions.
And the lyrics. OH THE LYRICS! Lyrics have taken a real nosedive, haven’t they? It’s amazing that anyone spit any old GED lyrics and be number 1 on the charts. For those who don’t know (which is everyone because I just made it), GED lyrics are lyrics so simple any sorry mother fucka can write them (no offense to anyone getting their GED). Seriously, why the hell is Soulja Boy still ALIVE, let alone making records? I guess when you have a hot beat it supersedes (nice word) any pitiful lyrics you spit. And while I’m still pissed, STOP IT WITH THE FUCKIN AUTOTUNER! That shit was fun at first, but now bastards are using it to make themselves seem like they have talent (*cough cough* T-Pain *cough*). Yea there been some hot songs from it, but that doesn’t mean you’re good; it just means you have a hot producer. The only person who should get away with this is Kanye, and that’s only because he IS a producer. I’m not saying you can’t use it; I’m saying you can’t use it on everything you do because it makes you a fuckin liar hiding the fact that you have no talent.
I can rant on about the artist, but in the end I don’t really blame them. If someone offered me million to put out shit, then I’m headed to the next available toilet (….ew). I blame the record labels who keep putting this shit out. I blame the radio stations who loop the same 5 songs all fuckin day. I blame producers who make hot beats so good you don’t care about the lyrics (I blame them, yet I don’t want them to stop). I blame TV networks who willing put shitty videos on. I blame George W. Bush for completely unrelated issues. But most of all I blame you. That’s right…YOU, the people who buy this shit. You could have demanding better. You didn’t have to buy this crap. You could have supported the real MCs who come up with original content on the regular, but nooooo. I gonna listen to the mother fucka spittin the same shit we heard for 25 years in the same fuckin way as the last guy and made no improvements on what the last guy did. Because it’s safe or familiar, you’re not willing to listen to people trying something different with hip-hop, and that’s sad. God damn you people, especially you high school a-holes who are so easy to please.
…..maybe I over exaggerated……..naw, probably not.
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