When I Fell in Love...with a litte rant added

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's not a recent thing, but it's still fresh in the minds of many people. Rap music has come under fire for its lewd lyrics portrayal of negative elements. It has gotten so bad, Al Sharpton decided to take a stand (as if you didn't see that one coming). Thank you Don Imus for making a statement that had absolutely NOTHING to do with music. I still don't get that. How did a very inappropriate and offensive comment about a female basketball team turn into an almost boycott on one of the most influential and profitable forms of music on the planet? I'll probably never understand it, but who would?

I remember when I fell in love with rap. F.Y.I., hip-hop is the culture. Rap is the genre of music for all who don't know. Anyway, I remember where and when it happened. It was the summer of 1992 in Newark, NJ. I was at my cousin's house and we weren't doing much. We turned on the t.v. and went straight to the B.O.X. For those who don't know, it was an old school music video channel before TRL and all those other crap shows. I don't remember much from that day, but i do remember one particular video. I know it as T.R.O.Y.(They Reminisce Over You) by the greats known as Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth. As soon as I heard the opening, I fell in love. It was the first song I ever memorized after nursery rhymes. Those were good times.

Everybody has a time when they fell in love with music. Mine was in the summer of 1992. What's yours. I would love to know. Well, that's all for now.